Health and safety guidance for parents
Please read this and find out how to help your child ride safely.
Hats must meet current standards and be tagged. Make sure the chin strap is not too loose. Hats will need to be checked and obtain a tag from a DC or assistant DC
Please ensure hair securely tied up and hairnets are worn.
Dress - For all pony club activities the children should wear :
The WHBPC polo shirt and plain jodhpurs.
Standard riding boots or jodhpur boots with a fairly smooth thin sole and well defined square cut heel. (To stop feet getting caught in the stirrups if a fall occurs). Plain black or brown half chaps with Jodhpur boots of the same colour, (no tassels or fringes).
For cross country:
Long sleeves, a pony club xc shirt is permitted or sweatshirt.
These need to be the correct size to suit the boots with ¼’’ clearance on either side of the boot.
For your child’s safety no jewellery please, other than a wrist watch, or a tie clip/stock pin. It is recommended stock pins are not worn cross country. No member will be allowed to ride with earrings in, even sleepers as these can still get caught. If something simply cannot be removed then it must be taped over.
Body protectors:
These are not compulsory, except for cross country riding and Pony racing. For other activities the decision to use one is the responsibility of the members and their parents/guardians. It is recommended that a rider’s body protector should not be more than 2% of their body weight. When worn they must fit correctly, be comfortable and not restrict movement.
Level 2 body protectors are designed to provide a level of protection considered appropriate for use in low risk situations. This does not include riding on roads or other hard surfaces and when riding young/excitable horses.
Level 3 are designed to provide a level of protection that is considered appropriate for normal riding including competitions.
Riders wearing a Woof Wear body cage EXO must lodge a key with the event organiser/co-ordinator.
Air jackets:
When air jackets inflate the sudden noise can startle horses in the immediate vicinity thereby causing difficulties for other members of a ride if in a group in a confined area such as an indoor school, so they are not recommended for group rides. If a rider chooses to wear an air jacket it must be in conjunction with a normal body protector. Parents and members must be aware that they can continue to ride after a fall but the jacket must be fully deflated or removed before continuing, when the normal body protector will continue to provide protection. Air jackets must not be worn under a jacket and number bibs must be loose or elasticated.
Medical armbands:
Medical Armbands are not compulsory if an adult is present except for pony races and endurance riding.
In the event of any accident, whether mounted or not, please report to the co-ordinator immediately who can advise regarding first aid if necessary and record the details where any injury has occurred.
Please refer to the link below, where details of your cover can be found. It is strongly advised
that you read the information carefully.

Tack Check Guide
Please check stirrup leather stitching, it is amazing how quickly this can deteriorate.
Girth straps and girths should be checked for worn stitching. Tighten the girth before your child mounts.
Numnahs should be plain without names on it and also without a makers or sponsors logo unless the name is a Pony Club sponsor or branch logo.
Saddle fit should be checked every 6 months by a saddle fitter.
Stirrup size is very important - too big is as bad as too small. A guide is that you should be able to fit your finger between your child’s boot and the edge of the stirrup. New boots often require new stirrup irons as everyone grows, but do not be persuaded to get enormous stirrups to cater for future growth. It is just as unsafe for the foot to go right through the stirrup as it is for the foot to get caught on the sides.
Remember to check the height of the bit in the pony’s mouth, ensure there are no twists and all buckles are done up correctly. Also check the tightness and height of noseband.
Reins should not have worn rubber or loose stitching.
Martingale stops are a must with a martingale.