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Thinking of Joining us?

We welcome new members of any age and offer a free taster session before signing up. 


WHBPC offer:

Riding Membership

(2021 Fee: £80)

Anyone up to the age of 25. Members should have access to a horse or pony, by ownership or loan, and have the means to transport the horse or pony to and from rallies and events.


Non-Riding Membership

(2021 Fee: £36)

For anyone who only wants to take part in non-ridden activities and to take part in competitions such as The Pony Club Quiz, Winter Triathlon and Blue Cross Care

If you do not find what you are looking for please contact Ellie our membership secretary or any committee member who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Please send completed membership forms to The Pony Club Central Office:

Post to: Membership Team, The Pony Club, Stoneleigh Park, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 2RW 


Email a scanned copy to:

Membership Payment

Details can be found at the bottom of the membership form


Important Changes to Membership Structure in 2020

From 1st January 2020, branch membership changed to a 12 month rolling membership. This means that, for example, a new member joining on 10th January 2020 would be due for renewal on 9th January 2021, or a member joining on 20th June 2020 would be due for renewal on 19th June 2021.


Please also note the following points:

  • Members can renew up to 3 months before expiry to ensure there is no break in membership, e.g. a member due for renewal on 31st January 2020 can renew anytime in January, in which case their subscription would run from 1st February 2020 – 31st January 2021.

  • If a member doesn’t renew before their expiry date, they will need to renew before they can attend any Pony Club activities, e.g. if a member was due to renew on 31st January and didn’t renew until 15th February, they would not be able to attend any Pony Club activities from 1st – 14th Feb. In this case their subscription would run from 15th Feb 2020 – 14th Feb 2021.


Rallies & Events

We offer a free trial to see if your child will enjoy being part of our Pony Club so just ask and we will endeavour to sort out a suitable rally for you.

The best way to get an idea of what we can offer your child is to look at the what's on page. 


This details rallies (lessons) and camps 1 or 2 days to up 5 days (residential for over 11s if they want) and events (being part of the WHBPC team competing at PC run events). 


We also have our own teamquest teams for all the dressage divas.  For the older members we compete at Gatcombe, Blenheim and Barbury Horse Trials as part of the PC competitions.  Last year were also proud to be part of the 90th Pony Club celebrations with 8 children representing our club and meeting and speaking with HRH Princess Anne.


Beach rides, annual party prizegiving, Christmas and Halloween parties and Easter egg hunts as well for fun.  Most rallies involve people staying around for picnics and the BBQs so you and your child can make friends. 

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What do I wear?

At Worcestershire Hunt we have a uniform so everyone can feel part of our club. 


At rallies we expect children to wear plain cream, black or navy jodphurs, clean boots, hair tied up in a hair net, gloves and a black hat or hat silk. We have sky blue polo shirts available, which most children choose to wear or a shirt and Pony Club tie is also fine.


Your hat will need to tagged so that we know it is up to current standards.  


At Tetrathlons or XC competitions we have skins that the children wear. At Mounted games we provide bibs so children wear long sleeved white shirts, shirt and white sweatshirt with a bib over.


Please also take a look at the Health & Safety Page.

What does my pony need to wear?

Ponies should be clean and tidy and in a plain saddlecloth, white, black, navy or WHBPC sky blue one.


Tack needs to fit and be safe.


Visit our Tack Check Page Here

How do I find out about events and activities?

Please visit our What's on Page to see what rallies and activities we have lined up. It is also really handy to join our group on Facebook.

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